Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bad Actors

My first wondering was about last nights State of the Union Address. Why do politicians feel the need to be bad actors? As I was watching the address it was funny to watch the congresspeople constantly trying to stick to their roles.

From the Democrats fake plastered on smiles and constant standing ovations, to the republicans dour faces and sitting on their hands. I was looking for the people screwing up. You know looking bored, not perpetually frowning, or not believing in everything the president is saying. In a lot of ways it reminded me of watching little kids fighting waiting for the other one to crack up in laughter to be declared the winner.

Doing a little research(wikipedia) George Washington gave the first address, I guess it was piggybacking on monarchy addressing their people. Thomas Jefferson stopped it because he thought it was stupid. But Woodrow Wilson (hmm Woodrow I know what your thinking but he isn't related)started it up again, in 1913 where it has continues to this day. I think its mostly because politicians love to see themselves on tv not to mention publicly practicing their acting.

I hope the President and congress's plans work. I surmise everything will work out, I guess I have to I have no other option. I am going to try to pay off all my bills as fast as I can but I was going to do that anyway. On a side note I am still amazed how politicians can get away with the pork bellies they get away with, with a wink and a smile. As if they are just cute little piggies that snuck into the bill on their own. I often wondered how politics would or if they could work without corruption. I guess we will never know. But that is a post for another time.

One blog down, I hope this won't be a trend talking about politics but I don't know. I am going to try to nottake sides, as its much easier to play devil's advocate that way. Also I think both sides tend to have good and bad, smart and stupid, tolerant and intolerant. Hopefully we will have a lot of the former and none of the later in the years to come.

Have a great day from the perpetually perplexed Woody.

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